It's weird, but it's hard sometimes to accept love.
I am a person who loves a lot, and who loves a lot of people. Most of the time, I think I am a person who not only readily gives love, but readily accepts it.
But I've found this last month - as so many people have been so generous with their time, money, and love -that it's challenging to let people help me. Rather, I find that I want to give back to them immediately, that I fear I'm not worthy, that I am afraid of disappointing them. I feel like I need to be a better person to live up to all this kindness being shown to us.
At the same time, I know it's not about me - it's about Cash. And I know people aren't expecting miracles, and they aren't doing this expecting something back. And so I will practice accepting all this love, and then sending it back out...
This whole journey will change me, I think.
You have given a lot in the past, give in the present and will in the future. It's not about immediate exchange like a transaction. It's about a community caring for its members. You are part of that. Sometimes it's your turn to give, sometimes it's your turn to receive, but it's not meant to be at the same time. And it doesn't come out equally over a lifetime. It's spread out over the universe. And we ALL get to be part of Cash's journey.