How to donate

Make tax-deductible checks payable to: Help Hope Live, with "In honor of Cash Burnaman" in the memo section

Mail to: Help Hope Live, 150 N. Radnor Chester Road, Suite F-120, Radnor, PA 19087

For credit card donations, please call 800-642-8399 or visit (enter Cash Burnaman into the Find a Patient field.)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In the news today

Reading the newspapers here is an entertaining glimpse into Indian culture. Yesterday there was an article detailing how many Indians are traveling to clinics in Thailand to have the sex of their babies pre-determined medically (apparently, yes, this is quite possible and with an almost 100% success rate). They are all wanting to have boys. Although they are treated like little princess when young, as adults boys are expected to shoulder all the responsibilities of caring for their parents later in life. Kind of like your 401K retirement plan in diapers.

Also, a famous actress is suing a company that produces skin lightening cream for leaving her skin blotchy. Many Indians find fairer skin more attractive. Think of that next time you are working on your golden brown tan.

We got the most exciting news of all this morning when we learned that Cash is scheduled to have his Monday stem cell injection put into his neck at the top of his spine. Tuesday he will have the injection done at the base of his spine. So far we have had three intramuscular injections and one done intravenously.

Since the injections started we have become hyper aware of Cash's behaviors and movements hoping to see some kind of change. Stephanie swears he is making better eye contact. A born skeptic, I am not so sure I see any definitive change. Yet. My optimism is by no means dampened. Stem cells or no, he is getting stronger and more active each day.

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