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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baby back ribs

Today was Cash's third day at his new school. We are still living in a motel until our new apartment lease starts in a week (which is an adventure unto itself). The bus picks Cash up right at the entrance of the motel. On the first day, Cash seemed surprised to see a different bus driver and a new teacher - it is funny, Cash doesn't really react strongly to situations like that, but in this case he was hurrying towards the bus, and then stopped when he saw the driver. It's not like his expression changed per se, more that he suddenly got quiet.Then I met him at school to introduce him to his teacher, and it was the same sort of thing - he was just very quiet and watchful. His class is K-4, with 8 kids, 7 of whom are boys. His teacher is strict, I think, but warm and communicative. That should work well for Cash. She wrote in yesterday's daily report that he has already acquired the nickname "The Bottomless Pit" - that kid can eat. And yet he is a tiny little thing - wearing size 5 though he just turned 7. We will check in with an endocrinologist in a few months.

My trip to Aspen to pick up Cash went well, except for puking on the plane ride like a freaking six-year old (I hate motion sickness). Aspen was its usual beautiful self, green and mountain-y. I had been wanting to hike for the whole last year, but my tummy problems continued for the whole weekend and I barely made it up one hill. It was later pointed out to me that my stomach pains may have been due to nerves, and in fact, the transfer between Cash's father and me was rough. But I have that little kid back in my clutches, and that is all that matters.

Loved seeing my friends in Aspen - I miss them all so much. And they were very kind to give me time while I was there and to not make too much fun of me for not being able to hike. I had a nice little revelation while I was there: I am actually HAPPY. For the moment, anyway. I feel like I should say it and enjoy it, because I am old enough to know that more challenges will come - maybe even later today. But for the moment, with my new job and my new town and my kid back where he belongs, I am content.

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