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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Indian head waggle

We spent all morning in the hospital getting tests - a brain scan, a chest x-ray, blood tests. It was interesting, but the best part was the guy standing at the front door, who was wearing some kind of traditional costume including a turban and shoes with turned up toes. I've gotten used to the saris and turbans in general but this was a step up.

Last night we saw a pediatrician because of Cash's cold. It was frustrating. The doctor didn't really listen to me and instead he lectured me. He did say that Cash's lungs sounded fine, and he thought it was a virus, not pneumonia. I already knew that. Actually, I'm afraid Cash is going to be sick here a lot, he is always prone to catching every little virus, and now we are in a world full of new ones. So Josh and I just wish they would get on with treatment, but we don't want to be pushy. Right now, we are chilling in our room, resting and finishing lunch.

I should add that Josh and I are both sick too. Sore throats and runny noses. I have a bit of laryngitis.

Lenor asked about our accommodations and our street. The clinic is just a simple 4 story building, with a lobby and hospital-type rooms. We are apparently in a nice area of town, but I had to be told that. It looks sort of ramshackle. Nice-ish buildings next to crumbling ones. The buildings are about 3-4 stories, and there are trees, and the traffic is crazy. I know, everyone always says that, but REALLY. Lane lines are apparently only suggestions, everyone honks all the time, the streets are a mishmash of cars, bicycles, motorcyles, rickshaws, pedestrians. It is fabulous and nutty. On our drive over to the hospital, I saw a boar hanging out by the side of the road, and Josh saw a cow. I want to see a cow. We also saw fancy buildings and a tent city. In general, though, I would say it is not as wierd as everyone prepared me for. Frankly, it is just a parade of people and sights, it mostly looks like a run-down type city.

So far we are eating our meals at the clinic. Our room comes with three meals a day. We think we may move to a hotel soon (to get a little more room), and then I'm hoping to try different food. The food here is fine, just a bit boring.

We have seen the famous Indian head waggle. We're thinking of practicing it ourselves. 

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